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Symbolism of the figure 8 and why it is important to Nutr8Deli International

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In numerology, the shape of the number 8 denotes Harmony and Balance. This is key to the way we at Nutr8Deli formulate. We create products for a balanced diet, healthier outcomes, and longer life – all from the abundance of natural superfoods and exotic ingredients.

Since the figure 8 represents balance, it is also represents Karma. Karma refers to the cycle of cause and effect. For Nutr8Deli a cause could be to nourish a hungry child and enable them to live, learn, and play, leading to better opportunity and a more fulfilled life. It could also be the cause for an athlete to fuel better and thereby perform or compete better, and ultimately, to win an event.

The list goes on.

The figure 8 represents the cyclic path of breath moving through our lungs (also an infinity pattern) and is the atomic number for oxygen. This is also symbolic of Nutr8Deli since oxygen is a precursor to life, health, and exercise.

And, with the figure 8 symbolising the highest feminine number, it may be “Karma” that Nutr8Deli has formulated our wildly popular “Femme” Range of products!

The Nutr8Deli mantra: “Our Mission – Your Longevity”!


Key Nutr8Deli differentiators

Low GI, Sugar free, anti-aging formulations
“Secret Sauce” ingredients to cater for specific demands on the body
– Exercise and post exercise recovery
– Woman specific
– Men Specific
– Provision of adequate nutrition/hydration
– Vegan friendly products with collagen generators
– Bovine collagen enriched products
– Superfood enriched products
– Diabetic friendly products
– Stabilizer and preservative free products
– Science-proven ingredients in balanced proportions for effectiveness


Quality products with Amazing Ingredients

Longevity at your doorstep

Health, wellness, longevity and anti-aging are now within reach and within budget. Nutr8Deli brings our quality products straight to your doorstep anywhere in Southern Africa. 

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